Anatomy and Plastination Courses & Surgical Training

We offer anatomy and plastination courses and surgical training via Gubener Plastinate (Von Hagens Plastination). The courses are offered in Anatomy and Plastination and are taught by doctors and scientists with more than 20 years of experience in Plastination.

The courses are taught at the Anatomical Teaching Center based in unique historical buildings (one hour from Berlin in Guben, Germany) which have been reconstructed and adapted to create the perfect environment to learn about plastination and anatomy. Courses are given in Plastination and Anatomy to all levels — from pre-med students to professionals.

Anatomy Courses

Von Hagens Plastination offers Anatomy classes of all levels. Compared to normal teaching environments, we offer small classes at our customized facilities.

Rather than teaching with books we use plastinates and more practical approaches for teaching anatomy. The classes are far more vivid and more understandable than learning with books or computers.

All Anatomy classes take place at our Anatomy Teaching Center Plastinarium. Here we offer conference and classrooms of different sizes, self-learning-stations with computers serving software for learning anatomy and a wide selection of plastinates for all regions and types of theoretical anatomy classes. Furthermore, we offer a wide selection of anatomy books and literature as additional learning aids.

Plastination Courses
Von Hagens Plastination cooperates with BIODUR offering Plastination courses for professionals who already plastinate or who are planning to open their own plastination laboratory. The experienced BIODUR staff will give you a deep insight into plastination and the know-how you need to produce plastinates on your own.

The Plastination courses provide the basis of the plastination technique such as proper wet dissection of specimens and covers the main steps of plastination such as dehydration, vacuum forced impregnation and curing. In addition, it will teach the silicone plastination technique in more detail.

For experienced professionals we offer customized lessons in specialized fields such as preventing shrinkage, coloring, special injection methods and many more.

Surgical Training
Von Hagens Plastination offers facilities for dissection / surgical training, medical research and medical engineering.

Our unique facilities are ideal for:

  • Surgical training for developing new surgery procedures, e.g., in the fields of orthopedics, ENT, neurosurgery and hand surgery
  • Organizing specialized courses focusing on key-hole endoscopy and orthopedic joint replacement
  • Medical product testing such as prosthesis or injection instruments on either fixed or fresh bodies
  • Study of topographic anatomy at whole body plastinates and plastinated slices
  • Anatomical dissection courses
Sesneber International is the exclusive and authorized contact for all Gubener products and services in the Middle-East
with the exception of Iraq and Iran)

If you are located anywhere in the Middle-East, please contact us at the address listed below for additional information:

Sesneber International

Mobile Medical Simulation and EMS Training Units

Providing custom made medical simulation and EMS training units that can be driven to required training locations.